Why eppTec?

Because we bring interesting people and projects together.

Why work at eppTec too:

Days holiday
Days of paid study leave
average age in the team
Option to work at homeoffice

How does it work here?

We have been successful in attracting interesting projects for a  long time, which is why we have been growing throughout our existence. Our  journey from idea to goal is very short/quick, we are not bound by any  corporate rules but driven by the desire to solve challenges and seize  opportunities.We bring the security of an established and stable company. But  working at eppTec is like riding a tiger sometimes. Anyway, you won't be  bored!

Tereza Soukupová

HR / Back Office Specialist
Get to know our team more

What's in store for you?

We choose our colleagues carefully, which allows us to build and maintain a team of professionals who understand each other not only professionally, but also humanly.


After the first initial contact (on LinkedIn, Startup Jobs or through our website), there is a 0th round of interview. A phone call to get to know each other better and see if our visions align.


1. the interview round is then conducted online and usually with our HR specialist Anička. She will present eppTec and the position in detail. The candidate will complete several analytical tasks and quizzes and there is also space for any questions the candidate may have.


2. the interview round is conducted with a senior IT specialist. In this round of the selection process, the candidate's mind will be spinning as he or she will be asked a series of technical questions about his or her previous experience. During this round, the newcomer usually meets their future buddy who will guide them through their first months at the company.

If we hit it off, there's an onboarding and probationary period.

We are looking for right now

Take a look at who we are currently looking for to join our team. If you don't like any of the positions on offer, try writing to us anyway and maybe we can work something out for you.

No items found.

Haven't found a position that suits you? Write. We'll be in touch.

Děkujeme, vaší zprávu jsme úspěšně přijali.
Budeme vás kontaktovat co nejdříve.
Něco se pokazilo. Zkuste to prosím znovu.

Or call us directly

Nicol Šeráková

HR Generalist
+420 601 336 386

Tereza Soukupová

HR / Back Office Specialist
+420 606 730 283